Business freedom in the age of utility computing with MyBill revenue assurance platform
We understand your business better than anybody else. Your revenue is as important as our own.
Full featured revenue assurance service that is versatile and scalable. The user friendly and self intuitive UX makes myBill extremely easy to use

Cloud Based
myBill® is cloud based platform providing full-featured revenue assurance services for the utilities billing industry in Singapore

Easy to use, scalable and versatile
Powered by market leading Simplicity® Business Software, myBill® is designed to be extremely easy to use, very easy to implement, versatile and scalable to support your current business and future expansion.

myBill® safeguards information with industry-standard encryption. Every node in myBill® infrastructure is protected with firewalls and network intrusion detection system to comply with industry compliance standards.

Integrate and Interface
myBill directly interfaces to MSSL to collect consumption data, APIs exposed for direct interface to your internal financial system.
myBill offers comprehensive web services, CTI, payment gateway and OPC interfaces for integration with other system, making it easy to connect with all the solutions in your ecosystem.

High availability and high reliability
Hosted by Microsoft Azure, myBill® has high availability (>99.99%), high reliability, high security cloud computing, and
robust infrastructure for mobile, storage, messaging and data management.
myBill® follows industry-standard protocols for storage, backup and redundancy. We support 24×7 monitoring and industry- standard disaster recovery and data replication.